Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Project Review: The Phantom 2040- PARTLXXXVIII [88th]-More Misc Prop Designs

The Inductance Rope the Phantom swings from comes out of the Power-cuffs and expands out. Based off a Chinese Finger Trap.

Kit has everything in those cuffs he wears when he is The Phantom, this is a small detonation device.

The Phantom would regularly 'snoop' on the Madison gang, or Graft, so he had a little directional Microphone that animated out of the cuff.

Sean One wore a 'Wearable PC" on his forearm while floating in Zed-G.

Phantom 2040-PART LXXXVIII [88mph]
More Misc. Prop Design Sketches

Client: Hearst Animation Productions.
Art Director: Myself.
Project Date Spring 1993.

This is my 88th posting here on my design blog for my contributions to The Phantom 2040. Today I have added more cuff gadgets.

Working with a superhero that wears "Power-Cuffs" like our hero here, The Phantom 2040, I had to constantly create new little things that would pop up in the story out of the cuffs. I also did some arm based computers like the wearable PC Sean One uses in zero gravity spce as seen above as well. Sometimes they are a fast design,a nd soem required a bit more thought.

Above posted today, my favorite is the Inductance rope. As an ID[ Industrial Design] grad, I am always trying to figure stuff out via reverse engineering, so how the hell can you fit a long rope in a cuff[ Yea Spiderman, where the hell to you store the wrist web goo, WAIT!!!, I do not want to know]].

So for my design I looked to a toy from the 50's, those little woven Chinese finger traps. I figured that you could compress some ultra thin carbon fiber woven fabric down to get a good 200 feet squeezed down into a compressed Air-Bag to deploy the rope out to swing to save the day.

If you are a FAN of The Phantom 2040, and on FACEBOOK, there is a group dedicated to the show here.

There is a TAG on the list to the RIGHT for other Phantom 2o4o entry's, but you can click this as well.

Cheers, THOM

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